Diesel-electric drive systems

Secure energy supply

Generating sets for diesel-electric drives generate the electrical energy to supply the propulsion system of a ship. The energy is supplied to electric engines to drive the propellers.

This type of drive system is electrically controlled and ensures favourable efficiency over the entire speed range of the propeller. When planning the new construction of a ship, the number and capacity of the generating sets is determined by calculating the required propulsive power.

Lindenberg generating sets consist of fast running diesel engines of well-known manufacturers and high-quality generators with double-bearing alternators. The design and construction of the generating sets meet all requirements for the safe operation of the ship. All relevant assemblies are certified for use in the marine sector for this operating application.

In addition, the generating sets meet all requirements in accordance with the regulations of the relevant marine classification society. They check whether the design and layout of the generating sets ensures safe operation of the ship and issue the necessary certificates after successful approval procedures and functional testing of the generating sets.



For more information about our marine and offshore products, please contact our sales department.

Email: marine@liag.de
Phone: +49 2204 48103-0